Memorabilia – BIG heART!
Noah Gilman, new artist to our event created an opportunity for discovery with ‘arborgraphing’. Those attending were pitched to find a BIG heART and then have a take away!
RPNA is working with a communications/branding expert – who lives here in Rose Park – to help us communicate important elements of our neighborhood. And we need your thoughts! We have over 22,000 people who reside within our boundaries between 4th to 10th; Redondo to Cherry. We have transit routes and quiet streets, and many…
Here are two hyper local opportunities. The Food Pantry at LB State operated by the Associated Student Union can really use food donations! Canned and non-perishables. Have food you’d like to donate? Please contact and we’ll see that it gets there. We delivered our very first container of food yesterday and it was very…
Get informed, get involved! Attend the Council District 2 Neighborhood Candidates Forum! Know before you vote! The California Primary Election is on Tuesday, March 4. All registered voters receive mail-in ballots in advance sent to their home address. Residents and local business owners are invited to meet the candidates running in the upcoming election for…
Residents around the neighborhood once again place lights and decorations to add to the season’s festive air. Dress warmly! On Tuesday December 17th, Tuesday 6pm-9pm at Revive Church (E7th & Obispo) Rose Park Neighborhood Association will host a Community Mixer. Please join us!
Join in, walk by, meet up….Friday 5-7pm Sept. 6th at The Parking Lot 7th & Obispo. Where RP life intersects.