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We deliver over 2,200 newsletters door to door. But we may miss your door! So here is the newsletter. Enjoy [deliver dates approx. 7/14-7/17]RPNA issue 8
We deliver over 2,200 newsletters door to door. But we may miss your door! So here is the newsletter. Enjoy [deliver dates approx. 7/14-7/17]RPNA issue 8
Many are getting back into their fall schedule. Best of luck for those going to school! Getting a new job! Here are some things to put in your schedule. Check out Rose Park Neighborhood Community Meeting! Excellent agenda and good place to connect. Tuesday Sept. 25th 6:30-8pm at Rivera’s Mexican Restaurant E7th & Gladys. Guests:…
Long Beach neighbors gathered early Sunday evening for food and drinks to discuss the book “The Connected Community” written by Cormac Russell and John McKnight. This book explores the ways neighbors can connect with each other to create healthier, stronger and more engaged neighborhoods. The group discussed the inspirational stories from the book that describes…
From the creation of a large scale alleyway mural project in Rose Park Neighborhood, to helping improve and beautify a vacant parking lot, Cody Lusby’s vision for neighborhood change has flourished into a new direction. It started in reaction to the isolation of COVID, when Cody decided to offer a door to door rose painting…
Rose Park Neighborhood Association is hosting one of its periodic Indie Meetups – a kitchen table discussion on neighborhood life. Coming up this December!
Community Watch – Meeting! When: 4pm, Sunday, December 3rd Where: UMS Church, 3212 8th St. Topics: -Officer Ruth Anne Salau-Kurkjian will be on hand to answer any questions, address concerns -We will talk about the future of the watch, goals and how to meet them -Take volunteers for block captains submitted by Jill Sparks
Here are critical steps outlined by Maria Garcia, LB City Clerk to be ready for the three upcoming elections in 2016: April, June, November: “It’s all about the power of engagement”. So before April 12th – first 2016 Election be prepared! Check your registration online Update your registration online (e.g. name change, address change, party…