BIG heart – in the Gazette
We received nice coverage – thanks to Emily Thornton! Here is the article. And a bit of the art “Painters Palette” by Megumi Harrison, put together for the event magnet.
We received nice coverage – thanks to Emily Thornton! Here is the article. And a bit of the art “Painters Palette” by Megumi Harrison, put together for the event magnet.
Here are some notes from this week in/around Rose Park Neighborhood Accessory Dwelling Units – may not be on everyone’s radar but if you decide you want to build that proverbially granny flat in the back of your property you’ll want to stay tuned to the city’s regulation and the way the CHC (Cultural Heritage…
Save Friday September 6th late afternoon 5pm-7pm for youth/teen fun and adults welcome too! At the Parking Lot at E7th & Obispo …skateboarding outside and art inside. And there’s always the popcorn. Check it out!
Some residents are asking about the ‘rules’ of restoration and others are interested in some financial support. Great questions!!! Both are critical for us in Rose Park Neighborhood. We have two, count ’em two, historic districts. Our preservation page has just been updated with the ‘go to’ info needed to begin. AND for those who…
The second event for the Rose Park Neighborhood Alleyway Improvement Project was held on Saturday, June 26th from 4pm to 6pm in the alleyway between Temple and Ohio and 7th and 6th Street. The event included Roses for Rose Park, Rose Park Brewing, music, arts and crafts, succulent plants, alleyway improvement surveys, prize raffles, popcorn,…
The Roses for Rose Park Mural has advanced to nearly the final stage. The resident-led group of Cody and Eric have received enough donations (all sizes) to fund the paint, graffiti cover and brushes. WATCH for Install Schedule! All art, effort to get COA’s from City of LB Historic Preservation, and painting were donated. RPNA…
Check out these fun, festive, holiday events in and around the neighborhood!