Sharing the loss reduces the burden
The big things put the little things into perspective. We get pissed off when there is trash left on our parkway but that is of little consequence when your home sustains a fire. There was a fire a few days ago in our neighborhood. We don’t know all the particulars at the time of this writing. We will share information when it comes available. And, we’ll continue to reach out and support all those involved the best way we can.
I asked if Red Cross always responds to help a family after a house fire. I’m waiting to hear. Who helps immediately and who is there for the long haul? Maybe some of you know. The personal toll can be devastating and also take a long time to surface. Please reach out to LB Trauma Recovery – it’s free, it’s for you and it’s down the street near St. Mary’s – call (562) 491-7977 .
The neighborhood association welcomes helpful tips and suggestions to support ‘what happens after a house fire’. Here is an article that describes what was helpful to someone who experienced a house fire. Not everything applies for the fire on Ohio but it is a very good reference.
It’s important that those living at the property, those who may be involved in some way and the immediate neighbors need our gentle, thoughtful and enduring support.