The Alleyway Improvement Project Continues in Rose Park Neighborhood
Neighbors came together on Saturday, March 12th to get to know each other and discuss ideas for improving the alleyway behind Pizza X Two, located on the north side of E7th Street between Dawson and Raymond Avenue.
We asked neighbors two questions:
1.) Tell us how they feel when walking or rolling through neighborhood alleyways.
2.) To share their ideas for alleyway improvement. What nonprofit organizations, agencies or city departments might serve as a resource to help with improvement?
Neighbors exchanged information and interests, and learned about ways to become involved.
Attendees stopped at the ArtWorksLBC table to create mosaic hearts for the “Hearts Across Long Beach” community project.
Roses for Rose Park volunteers created 5 more rose medallions for neighborhood businesses.
Attendees created mosaic hearts with ArtWorksLBC, a community benefit project.
Rose Park Neighbors utilized the alleyway for a fun, social place to gather.
Long-time residents, Gretchen Swanson and Eric White meet each other for the first time!
ArtWorksLBC volunteers Dana and daughter Nora facilitate the “Hearts Across Long Beach” project station with attendees.
Neighbors, event volunteers, and Council District 2 representatives felt grateful for a day of connecting with neighbors to make our neighborhood a better place to live!
The Alleyway Improvement Project event wrapped up with a visit from Duke Givens, Founder of Care Closet and two volunteers who came to do a clean up of our neighborhood alleyway. Care Closet is a nonprofit fighting homelessness for the people of Long Beach. ‘The core of Care Closet LBC is a steadfast commitment to meeting the needs of our brothers and sisters in the homeless community.’ Be sure to learn more about the work of Care Closet HERE.
If you are interested in volunteering with Rose Park Neighborhood to improve the safety, health and wellness of our communities, email