SECOND DISTRICT MOVIE NIGHT IN ROSE PARK – JUNE 22 – A Rose Park Tradition, Sponsored by Vice Mayor Suja Lowenthal
Start time – Dusk
Residents are invited to an evening under the stars in Rose Park with watermelon, popcorn and Hugo, which received 5 Oscars out of 11 total nominations.
Movie: Hugo
Storyline: Hugo is an orphan boy living inthe walls of a train station in 1930s Paris. He learned to fix clocks and other gadgets from his father and uncle which he puts to use keeping the train station clocks running. The only thing that he has left that connects him to his dead father is an automaton (mechanical man) that doesn’t work without a special key which Hugo needs to find to unlock the secret he believes it contains. On his adventures, he meets with a shopkeeper, GeorgeMelies, who works in the train station and his adventure-seeking god-daughter. Hugo finds that they have a surprising connection to his father and the automaton, and he discovers it unlocks some memories the old man has buried inside regarding his past.
Additional details: Local businesses interested in sponsoring this or our other summer movies in the park may contact Mark Magdaleno at (562) 570-6684.