Placemaking signs are being produced and will be placed on light poles around Rose Park Historic District [Redondo to St. Louis/Cherry: E7th to E10th]. Forty signs in all. We have many to thank. First and foremost Dennis Herbert who took the idea and ran with it, the NPP staff, Jane at SavOn Signs, Aaron Jackson…
Rose Parkians have embraced Lawn to Garden program by the City’s Water Department. On May 19th there will be a tour – check it out.
Winter Community Meeting – filled with specific info on our readiness for “the big one”; and the same time we were intro’d to opportunities to volunteer with transformative programming at the LB Public Library and finally the why’s of paying attention as a pedestrian. A new resident to RP Neighborhood remarked “great meeting, it engages…
The fun games and all of the details that make a ‘Sunday in the Park’ memorable are due to our sponsors, supporters and of course, our volunteers! We’ll have watermelon eating contests, sack races, water balloon toss – all competitive in a Rose Parkian sort of way. AND we’ll have bocci ball and bean bag…
Check out the RoseParkJanuary2019! This is our membership time. It’s tough to ask folks to renew or join right after the holidays, and now the shutdown. We’ve found there is never a great time. So, there you have it. RPNA works on your behalf 12 months of the year. We base our efforts in large…