Author: Danielle Potter Dague

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We have a terrific community gathering planned at Rivera’s Mexican Restaurant at 2901 E 7th St, Long Beach on Saturday, August 27th from 10AM to 12PM. Our meeting presenters include: the City of Long Beach Mobility Team with an update on the Bike Boulevards in and around Rose Park; Long Beach Residents Empowered (LiBRE) will present…


Find Out What’s Coming up Next in Rose Park Neighborhood!

Here is a video recap of the “Ride Rodeo” that took place at the Rose Park Neighborhood Block Party on Saturday, August 13th with community partners including Tichenor Clinic for Children, the City of Long Beach Walk and Roll program, the Long Beach Airport, and Rose Park residents and block party organizers, Chynna Carter and…


Street Safety Projects Continue in Rose Park Neighborhood

Rose Park Neighborhood Association was awarded 1 of 26 Mini-Grants by Go Human for the “State of the Neighborhood” project. The Rose Park Neighborhood Association’s “State of the Neighborhood” project aims to increase awareness of the dangers of speeding, highlight pedestrian needs, and provide bicycling safety education for young residents. The “Ride Rodeo” at the Rose…

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Block Party in Rose Park Neighborhood

It’s the Rose Park Neighborhood Block Party on Saturday, August 13th from 12pm to 4pm at Rose Park. Chynna Carter and Linzy Lusby will tell you all about it in the video here … The Rose Park Neighborhood Association, Tichenor Children’s Clinic, the Long Beach Walk and Roll program and the Long Beach Airport will…