Author: Danielle Potter Dague

Nonprofit Spotlight: Power4Youth

(Pictured: Power4Youth student shaking hands with Long Beach Mayor Garcia, including Long Beach mentoring programs and council members). Power4Youth is a nonprofit organization that provides site-based academic mentoring for students. We asked Samana Budhathoki, Power4Youth Match Supervisor the following questions: Why is working with your neighborhood important? At the simplest level, mentoring and working with…

Nonprofit Spotlight

“Why is it important to be involved in Your neighborhood?” “As a nonprofit agency within the Rose Park Neighborhood boundaries, it is vital for Safe Refuge to be a part of our community. Involvement in our neighborhood allows us to be proactive and gives a sense of pride, not only for our agency but most…

Volunteer Spotlight

Why is it Important to be Involved in Your Neighborhood? “Since moving into our 100 year old craftsman house in Rose Park about a year ago, we have really enjoyed living here! We plan to stay in the neighborhood awhile and start our family here, so it’s important to us that we stay informed and…

Nonprofit Spotlight

The Heart of Ida helps older adults preserve independent living, and brings comfort and cheer when assisted living is necessary. “Working with our neighborhoods is critical. Nonprofits are the voice of the people we serve. If we are doing our job we should understand our community and their needs. We want people to know we…

Residents Come Together to Form a Neighborhood Watch Group

Residents Come Together to Form a Neighborhood Watch Group

Residents on E 5th Street from Junipero to Molino Avenue, as well as surrounding neighborhoods gathered on Saturday, July 7th to discuss safety concerns and create a Neighborhood Watch group. Long Beach Police Department Sergeant Conrad Penn attended the meeting to talk with residents about the importance of reporting suspicious activity, methods of crime prevention…