Author: Gretchen

Stay out of the car and in the Neighborhood!
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Stay out of the car and in the Neighborhood!

Saturday April 13th – BBQ Fundraiser at the “center” of RP South’s Block Group. LBCT 4-13-19 BBQ fundraiser flyer Final Monday April 15th 6:30pm – A CAAP workshop (Climate Action and Adaptation Project).  7th St. Church – see the flyer! May Community (date TBD) – Model Healthy Neighborhood with panel of experts. Location: Luther Burbank…

RP goes back to school!

RP goes back to school!

The Rose Park Neighborhood Association was invited to participate in a Civic Engagement effort led by CSULB MSW students at Wilson High School. With the thoughtful facilitation of Danielle Potter Dague on Saturday morning March 30th RPNA  brought the breadth and depth of neighborhood action and partnering to the students. It was great! Darick Simpson,…

Many of our older buildings were built 100 years ago! Go Rose Park!

Many of our older buildings were built 100 years ago! Go Rose Park!

These structures have provided decades and generations of life for residents of Long Beach. This year is sort-of a hundred year birthday for us in the Rose Park Neighborhood area. We’ll be posting ideas, factoids and thoughts over the year. Many email about the house plaques. Great way to celebrate our 100th year. So…

Building Neighborhood One Fun Time at a Time
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Building Neighborhood One Fun Time at a Time

Come on out….walk down the street Friday March 22nd! Corner of E7th & Obispo. Three spaces….ArtWorksLB workshop….SkateZone….and at LB Skate and Art Exhibit/Sale. We just got our popcorn machine come on out and see how it works! Pop in and check out the art-in-progress! An exhibit using symbols of Peace and Understanding.