Author: Gretchen
Our collective recovery
Almost a year ago our neighborhood sustained a mass tragedy [Oct. 29, 2019]. Twelve were shot, three died while celebrating a birthday. This past week LBPD reported that those involved have been detained. Here is the article in the LB Post – also check out Facebook to see Chief Luna’s press announcement. And here is…
You live in an historic District!
Well most of you do! We have two historic districts in the Rose Park Neighborhood. It’s pretty easy to tell. Just look at the street sign at your corner – it will say you are in an historic district. Why is that important? Because historic districts are a city ordinance that defines land use in…
Watch and learn!
As many of you know Rose Park Neighborhood has had a long standing issue with car speed in/around our area. With a recent contract from Southern California Association of Governments – we took this concern one step further. We are documenting how it feels to live in a high risk corridor area. Thank you for…
RP Neighbors Create Friendship AT Corner
A blank spot for decades is slowly becoming a place for the neighborhood. The Dawson Lot, as we are calling it, is now under new ownership. Matt Hamilton, the principal of the company is part of a new life not only at the Dawson Lot but for the area just across the street. For us…