Author: Gretchen

Gnome Speaks

Gnome Speaks

Our RP gnomes have a life of their own. They speak (to each other?). They move around. You might to enter gnome into this mix. If so, you can get a lawn sign 1) by joining RPNA at $35 level or 2) already a member, contact – for an additional $10.

Too much fun and for the good of the community

Too much fun and for the good of the community

Our local mentoring program, Power4youth hosts an annual Mini-Golf Tournament. Miniature golf should have a resurgence – because it is just too much fun. This event is one of the primary ways Power4Youth raises funds. Fun for funds! Please consider joining in – and if so inclined sign up to be a mentor!



Each natural disaster reminds us of what we have not yet done. By all the experts our neighborhood will need to fend for itself for a minimum of 3 days. 3 days of water 3 days of canned non perishables. You may get tired of baked beans but you’ll survive. Know how to turn off…