4thstreetlongbeach.com – 4th Street/Retro Row’s Summer Sidewalk Sale
Click the link for a article from 4thstreetlongbeach.com: http://4thstreetlongbeach.com/events/4th-streetretro-row’s-summer-sidewalk-sale-breast-cancer-awareness-benefit/
Click the link for a article from 4thstreetlongbeach.com: http://4thstreetlongbeach.com/events/4th-streetretro-row’s-summer-sidewalk-sale-breast-cancer-awareness-benefit/
Sandy Clarke and Helen Brand, the winners of the JetBlue free passes earlier this year! They went to Washington DC and as promised sent us this pic holding the RPNA logo in front of the Washington monument. You guys are awesome!
Click here for the: RPNA August Newsletter
It’s fun to do outreach for RPNA, Rose Park Neighborhood Assn. that is. Last Saturday there was a groundbreaking ceremony at just the perfect spot in Craftsman Village WHILE today there was a ribbon-cutting ceremony for NABA (North Alamitos Beach Assn.) at 4th & Alamitos. Our neighbors are doing great things – they inspire all…
99 year old Douglas Fir flooring available. In renovating our home, we removed about 1500 square feet of 3 1/4″ straight grain Doug Fir flooring. If you can put any of this wood to good use, please email ska2@columbia.edu for details. Condition, of course, varies.
Something to go to at NIGHT! Here is info about the Mural Under The Stars series at MOLAA.