
Be Vocal Vote Local – What to do in this Key Election Year

Here are critical steps outlined by Maria Garcia, LB City Clerk to be ready for the three upcoming elections in 2016: April, June, November: “It’s all about the power of engagement”. So before April 12th – first 2016 Election be prepared! Check your registration online Update your registration online (e.g. name change, address change, party…

Rose Park Community Meeting

Meet Long Beach’s City Clerk Maria Garcia Rose Park Community Meeting at The Red Leprechaun 4000 E. Anaheim January 20th 6:30 to 8:30 ___________________________________________________________________________ The Rose Park Neighborhood Association, at its annual community meeting, Jan 20th, will host Long Beach’s City Clerk Maria Garcia. The City Clerk oversees each election held in the city of…

Edith at the Bembridge House

Each year, during the winter holidays, the Historic Districts of LB are invited to decorate a room at a grand Victorian adjacent Drake Park known as the Bembridge House. This incredible LB asset is owned and operated by the LB Heritage Society. The middle bedroom seen above pre-transformation – is decorated by the elves of…

Bikes, Bungalows and History Buffs: A bike route through history – An article by Gretchen Swanson

When I moved to Long Beach in 1977 the city was a bike desert! I saw only packs of skinny guys in lycra riding on PCH on the weekends. And of course tikes on trikes. Now bikes are a serious form of recreation, transportation, and a perfect way to see local history. On a quiet…