
SECOND DISTRICT MOVIE NIGHT IN ROSE PARK – JUNE 22 – A Rose Park Tradition, Sponsored by Vice Mayor Suja Lowenthal

Start time – Dusk Residents are invited to an evening under the stars in Rose Park with watermelon, popcorn and Hugo, which received 5 Oscars out of 11 total nominations. Movie: Hugo Storyline: Hugo is an orphan boy living inthe walls of a train station in 1930s Paris. He learned to fix clocks and other…

Look Up! Important Update on the Verizon Cable Issue

The RPNA has been concerned about the visual blight caused by Verizon in the stringing of overhead cables and equipment throughout our neighborhood and much of the city. We brought these concerns to our council office. Vice Mayor Suja Lowenthal shared our disappointment over the messy work and unsightly cabling and has been assisting us…

Sharing Networks In Long Beach

Sharing Networks In Long Beach

Are you looking for ways to save money and enrich your neighborhood? Rose Park Neighborhood Association invites you to learn about sharing networks in Long Beach. In recent years, sharing networks have become increasingly common in Long Beach. These networks help residents meet their needs and share their talents, using little or no money. When:…

Nominate Someone You Know for the 2012 Distinguished Rose award!

On Sunday August 19th 2012, the Rose Park Bluegrass Festival will be designating 4 new outstanding recipients of the coveted “Distinguished Rose” award. We need to hear from you, about the people who you think make Rose Park such a wonderful place to live. Whether it’s somebody who advocates for neighborhood improvements, somebody who regularly…