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Long Beach Open Studio Tour, Pedestrian and Cyclist Count, & a Neighborhood Book Club “The Connected Community”!

The Long Beach Open Studio Tour is going on now! Check out the dates, times and locations at the link HERE. Rose Park Resident and Roses for Rose Park Artist Cody Lusby will be opening his studio up to the public for the annual LB Open Studio Tour on Saturday October 22nd and 23rd from…


We Thank You!

The Long Beach Gives citywide, online giving event wrapped up on Friday, September 23rd raising over $1.9 million with 8,487 donations for 232 Long Beach nonprofits. The Rose Park Neighborhood Association ArtWorksLBC program raised $2,313 with 20 donations! We are so grateful for the generosity of our community in helping us raise funds for the…


Participant Videos Tell it All!

The ArtWorksLBC program is a community benefit project of Rose Park Neighborhood, created for individuals, families and partnering organizations to engage in arts healing and wellness, public space revitalization, and community building efforts. One of the art projects that began during the pandemic is our “Hearts Across Long Beach,” project, which provides essential workers with…