

Share your Thoughts – Mid-City Bicycle and Pedestrian Connections

The City of Long Beach is seeking funding for bicycle boulevards on 8th and 11th Streets and pedestrian islands on 10th Street. The proposed traffic calming treatments will reduce cut-through traffic and speeding, creating a comfortable space for drivers and bicyclists to share the road. The pedestrian islands will help people on foot and on…



Rose Park Neighborhood Association is thrilled to share the exciting news! We will be participating in Long Beach Gives 2022 to raise awareness and funding for the ArtWorksLBC program, a community benefit program of Rose Park Neighborhood Association. ArtWorksLBC serves to foster community building through the revitalization of public spaces and brings art programming to…


Neighborhood Building at the Mann Elementary STEAM Fair

It was a fun filled day at Horace Mann Elementary School for the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) Fair. Rose Park Neighborhood Association and Bluff Heights Neighborhood Association, Inc. teamed up with LB Skate Co to co-sponsor the construction of Mini Skateboard Ramps, provided by Keen Ramps. The fair was held on Thursday,…