
Summer in the city

Summer in the city

Illegal fireworks are continuing – in some areas – especially near the ocean seem most affected. For those who are losing sleep – it is becoming a health issue. We want this to end. That said, our part is circumstantial but can help. Remind people with a window sign – we have a (limited) number…

Protests and action
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Protests and action

There are many opportunities to participate in social change. But much harder – in fact, impossible – if you aren’t connected to the internet or can’t afford monthly broadband costs! Not everyone knows what is going on, yet so many are eager to know more and participate. What does that mean? Share. Share what you…



The Long Beach Police Department East Division Commander Pat O’Dowd is receiving a great deal of information from the community about the fireworks. He wants residents to know that the city is LISTENING and provided a few important updates: DON’T call 911 for fireworks. They are getting inundated by ‘non-emergency’ fireworks calls. DO call the…