Our very own Tracy Ames makes a lasting impression
Read how Tracy Ames, long time resident of Rose Park and supporter of RPNA has helped navigate important changes along East Anaheim….I mean Zaferia!
Read how Tracy Ames, long time resident of Rose Park and supporter of RPNA has helped navigate important changes along East Anaheim….I mean Zaferia!
The 4th Meet and Greet with our Council Member Jeannine Pearce will be Wednesday, November 15th at noon (12pm-2pm) at Rose Park, catered by Lola’s. These have been good discussions and specific solutions are identified.
The city has a 43 page “need to read” for those trying to care for a older home. From roof to foundation things to watch out for. Better prepared than very sorry!
Say no to bike thefts! According to LBPD the best things to prevent your bike from being stolen is 1) use a U-lock and 2) lock your bike in a well-lit, traveled area. BTW – the Long Beach PD has a sting operation for bike thieve rings. So, call in your stolen bike. Community programming…
Rose Park Neighborhood Association has facilitated ‘kitchen table ‘ discussions a couple of times a year for a few years. Last one was “Women and Resilience” and was hosted at Hobo Jane’s boutique. Well received. We’ve been working on one around the topic of empathy. We are thinking it may be a good time to…
The health department has a couple more FREE flu shot clinics scheduled next week. Check it out!