
Gnome Speaks

Gnome Speaks

Our RP gnomes have a life of their own. They speak (to each other?). They move around. You might to enter gnome into this mix. If so, you can get a lawn sign 1) by joining RPNA at $35 level or 2) already a member, contact – for an additional $10.

Too much fun and for the good of the community

Too much fun and for the good of the community

Our local mentoring program, Power4youth hosts an annual Mini-Golf Tournament. Miniature golf should have a resurgence – because it is just too much fun. This event is one of the primary ways Power4Youth raises funds. Fun for funds! Please consider joining in – and if so inclined sign up to be a mentor!



Each natural disaster reminds us of what we have not yet done. By all the experts our neighborhood will need to fend for itself for a minimum of 3 days. 3 days of water 3 days of canned non perishables. You may get tired of baked beans but you’ll survive. Know how to turn off…

Skivvy on Historic District Plaques

Skivvy on Historic District Plaques

Rose Park residents in both our historic districts have been asking about the house plaques. You’ve seen them on many of the homes referred to as ‘contributing structures’ in our neighborhood. Any structure in an historic district qualifies to have this sign. Rose Park_August2017 (options) Order directly from Erie Landmark. You’ll reach Jeremy Wise to…