
Appreciation news
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Appreciation news

Efforts are being made to reach every Rose Parkian that has limited access to essential needs. Critical needs such as food, contact with up-to-date resources, face coverings, deliveries and so on! There are layers of food options but not all people know what they are. This applies to our senior and people with disability communities…

it is time
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it is time

The COVID19 pandemic has arrived. We must apply the simple precautions of hand washing, wiping surfaces while maintaining social distance. We must protect older adults and those with compromised immune systems from those who may have symptoms. This is horrible for everyone. There is job loss, change in school schedules, alteration of needed programs and…

We all benefit
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We all benefit

Rose Park Neighborhood Association (RPNA) has grown and adapted over the past 30+ years. We have helped preserve and build the character and stability of our area. Each resident is important – all residents are important. We’ve had challenges and will continue to have challenges because we are a vibrant area of a changing city….