
Walk the Walk
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Walk the Walk

Some years ago the RPNA Board established the Historic Brick Walk. Many of you have mentioned “How can I have a brick?”. Here is the form. Complete page 2 (see below) and send with check to RPNA 3350 E. 7th #140, LB 90804. To help us….send us an email to alert us to incoming request…

Going forward
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Going forward

The newly elected RPNA meets in August choosing officers and planning the master calendar. Priorities and actions are worked on each month. Please send in thoughts to Congratulations & Best Wishes to the New Rose Park Neighborhood Association Board * John * Danielle * David * Darick   * Dusty * Gretchen What a great…

Rose Park Neighborhood Association
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Want involvement? Don’t know where to start?

Each year at this time people are nominated (or nominate themselves) to get more involved with the neighborhood. The Rose Park Neighborhood Association can have up to 12 members; meets monthly plus each board member gets involved with one or more actions or projects. Involvement! Interested? We hope so. Make sure you are a current…

How to spend a Saturday and hang out with LBPD
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How to spend a Saturday and hang out with LBPD

There is a place called the Community Police Academy. It is not for everyone – unless of course you are interested in knowing more about how the LBPD operates. There are live scenarios of gun-toting, domestic abusing, near suicide cases. You wear stuff. There is a mini-lesson on constitutional law on topics like ‘probable cause’….

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Board Members – Dague and Salkowski

Danielle on Board – Danielle Potter Dague Secretary of RPNA Board It was an easy transition for Danielle Potter Dague, her husband Brian Dague, their two year old son Bennett, and cat Twerp to make the move from their home in Seattle into a friend’s bungalow in Rose Park’s historic district. Danielle remarks, “We had an opportunity to get back to…