
Attending a Planning Commission Meeting
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Attending a Planning Commission Meeting

Sometimes being ‘involved’ or engaged means leaving the sofa, traveling to downtown and sitting for a few hours. But if not done we’d never know if/how we made a difference. On Thursday Dennis Herbert, RPNA Vice-President did just that. He had comments prepared after reviewing the recommendations submitted in 2016 by E7th St. Collaboration regarding…

A Snail’s Pace
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A Snail’s Pace

At the start of each new Board Year for Rose Park Neighborhood you’d think we’d start with a clean slate. Not so. In fact, very little would get done if we started from scratch each August. And that’s because it takes months and years to accomplish meaningful action. So on any given day it seems…

RPNA Board 2017-2018
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RPNA Board 2017-2018

The Rose Park Neighborhood Association annual board elections took place July 23, 2017. The following nominees were elected for the 2017-2018 term. The first meeting in August will serve to elect officers (per by-laws) and establish the year’s calendar. In September the regular monthly board meetings will be held at St. Matthew’s in Classroom A…