RP Resident leads Poetry Reading
Our very own Li Yun Alvarado, author of recent Words or Water leads a Poetry Reading at WE Labs on June 3, 2017 – check it out!
Our very own Li Yun Alvarado, author of recent Words or Water leads a Poetry Reading at WE Labs on June 3, 2017 – check it out!
There is a great deal to report on for our May Meeting – first we are so appreciative of Vanesha Davis, Principal and Marinelle Mariano, faculty and the custodial staff who are generous with their time and hospitality for hosting us. The agenda was packed (too much!) with information of what has been accomplished in…
Rose Park Neighborhood Association was contacted by LBPD in June of 2016 with an offer to be a pilot site for solar-powered motion detection lighting in an under-lit area of our neighborhood. The project a creation of Rebuilding Together, was coordinated by it’s Board President, Terri Griffith. Who then reached out to Commander Liz Griffen,…
Hey Rose Parkians- Get on your bikes and ride! Let’s show our Rose Park team spirit and join our Belmont Hts and Alamitos Hts neighbors as we cruise the Vista Bike Blvd. and experience biking on 6th Street before work begins on the newest LBC Bike boulevard… 6th St. We will ride 6 miles round…
The best way to stay connected is get connected. Upcoming on Wednesday May 24th at 7pm is the time! Need to get off the sofa? Avoid the nightly news? Be more active? Meet a couple of your neighbors? Please join us this Wednesday May 24th at 7pm at Luther Burbank School Auditorium (4th & Junipero,…
After 3 years of community meetings, FB posts, discussions and crossed fingers the City of Long Beach will have its 6th Street Bike Boulevard, a 2.5 mile stretch from Bellflower Boulevard (CSULB) to Junipero Ave (Retro Row). Traveling through 3 great neighborhoods: Alamitos Heights, Belmont Heights and Rose Park South cyclists will be offered traffic…