
Join RPNA in supporting Sole Searching Long Beach in their French Toast Fun Fundraiser: Sunday, September 28th; Run/Walk: 8:00a, French Toast Breakfast: 9:00a-12:00p

Sole Searching Long Beach, whose mission is to get volunteer and city-based organizations to work collectively in finding solutions to shared problems and empowering a movement for positive change in our city, is having a delicious fundraiser on Sunday, September 28th that we hope you’ll partake in. In keeping with one of Sole Searching’s current…

4th Street Long Beach Retro Ramble and Sidewalk Sale

Join 4th Street Long Beach for food, drink, fun, and bargains as you and your furry friends stroll 4th street! where: 4th Street From Temple to Hermosa, Long Beach When: Saturday, September 27 11:00am–6:00pm On-site adoptions, mobile grooming, low-cost vaccinations/microchipping, pet portraits, and treats will be on paw! There will also be a best-dressed pet…

The final “7th Street Visioning” public workshop: Saturday, September 20th, from 10:00a to 12:00p, at MOLAA

The final “7th Street Visioning” public workshop is Saturday, September 20th, from 10:00a to 12:00p, at MOLAA (628 Alamitos Ave). It’s an important meeting to make, if you can, for Roger Sherman and Matthew Littell, urban planners from RSAUD and UTILE, respectively, have taken into consideration all of the feedback from the two previous public…

RPNA’s 2014-2105 Board of Directors Elected and Installed

Nine energetic volunteer members of the association were voted onto the board at last month’s “Annual” Meeting. The board is now in the process of planning this year’s upcoming calendar—News on that will follow soon. Immediately following last month’s Picnic in the Park event—Sunday, August 17th—RPNA’s new board of directors was elected into office. A…

RPNA is now set up to receive donations from the AmazonSmile Foundation!

What is AmazonSmile? The AmazonSmile Foundation is the charitable arm of By using AmazonSmile you can support Rose Park Neighborhood Association each and every time you shop at, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same prices, vast selection, and convenient shopping experience that provides…