
A “Help for the Homeowner Resource Fair” will be held on Thu, Feb 27, 2014

The City of Long Beach Neighborhood Services Bureau Invites you to Help for the Homeowner Resource Fair  Learn about programs and resources to help you to improve your residential property: $2,000 Home Improvement Rebate Program Free Mulch Lawn-to-Garden Rebates Lead Paint Removal Safety Upgrades for Seniors, Veterans, and Low Income Homeowners Rebates for New Washing…

Long Beach Home Improvement Rebate Program FAQ

The Long Beach’s Neighborhood Services Bureau is currently accepting applications for the city’s Home Improvement Rebate Program, and so we are publishing this city-supplied FAQ about the program. Contact the Bureau at (562) 570-6866 for more information and to request an application. WHAT IS THE HOME IMPROVEMENT REBATE PROGRAM? The program provides a reimbursement of up…

Join Us For Our First Community Watch Meeting of 2014—7:00pm on Feb 25th at Royal Cup Cafe

Officer Claudia Lopez will join us at our first Community Watch meeting of 2014. She’ll update us on crime trends and other information that we need to be aware of. Bring your questions, which she’ll be happy to answer, and your concerns, which she’ll be happy to respond to. The meeting will take place at…

Take advantage of the City of Long Beach Second Council District’s 2014 e-Waste and Recycling Drive: Sat, 1 Feb 2014 9:00a–12:00p at Long Beach Blvd & Broadway Ave

Do you have electronic items piling up at home that you need to dispose of? Bring them to the Second Council District’s e-Waste and Recycling Drive, which is taking place on Saturday, February 1st, between 9:00a and 12:00p in the parking lot located at Broadway Ave and Long Beach Blvd! Any of the following items…

A reminder of tonight’s “Pot Luck and Bottle Share” at The Red Leprechaun—along with locations and times for the Big Red Bus

Don’t forget about tonight’s “Pot Luck and Bottle Share” at The Red Leprechaun, which takes place tonight, Wednesday, Jan 22nd, between 6:30p and 8:30p! If you missed our previous announcement about the Red Leprechaun’s “Public House Night” that is being held especially for residents of Rose Park tonight, see our post from January 16th for…