
Free Sunset Boat Tour of the Port of Long Beach

The Port plays an important role in the economic, environmental and cultural history of Long Beach. Join second district councilwoman Suja Lowenthal for an informative tour that covers the Port’s daily routine, environmental programs and current projects. Light food and refreshments will be served. Wednesday, September 11, 2013 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm DUE TO…

New date for Vaccination Clinic in Rose Park – August 31st

We’re pleased to announce that Long Beach Animal Care Services is indeed holding a low-cost vaccination clinic for cats and dogs in the park this Saturday, August 31st, from 9:00a-10:30a. You may have been aware that we previously announced that the clinic would be held last Saturday, August 24th. Due to scheduling conflicts, however, that…

Announcing the 2013-2014 Rose Park Neighborhood Association Board of Directors!

Each July brings with it the opportunity to reconstitute RPNA’s Board of Directors. This year we’re happy to announce that a wonderful group of dedicated and involved RPNA members took up the call to join the board. A special acknowledgement and the organization’s sincerest thanks go out to last year’s executive committee members, who are…

Step up!

Looking to make a difference? Every year RPNA elects its board. We do it in June. Want to step up? Yes you need to participate in monthly meetings; take leadership and generally do right by the organization and its mission. Send in to and we’ll give you the scoop. And here is our mission…