
Things piling up?
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Things piling up?

Solve a growing problem. Growing numbers of broken things. Appliances, clothing, stuff. LB Time Exchange organizes Repair Cafe Pop-ups! Really! What a terrific idea. This year will be in July in front of the Center on 4th. So be part of the solution, sign up if you can help repair…..stuff!

Rose Park Neighborhood Association


So, you may have an on again off again relationship with Amazon. We get it! But we have residents who contribute to RPNA each time they shop online. All they did was add Rose Park Neighborhood Association to their Amazon account. It’s called AmazonSmile. Amazon donates a very tiny fraction of your expenditure to RPNA!…

Rose Park Neighborhood Association
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Want involvement? Don’t know where to start?

Each year at this time people are nominated (or nominate themselves) to get more involved with the neighborhood. The Rose Park Neighborhood Association can have up to 12 members; meets monthly plus each board member gets involved with one or more actions or projects. Involvement! Interested? We hope so. Make sure you are a current…