
Empathy and Neighborhood – Friday, December 8th 7pm at UMS Church
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Empathy and Neighborhood – Friday, December 8th 7pm at UMS Church

Rose Park Neighborhood Association has facilitated ‘kitchen table ‘ discussions a couple of times a  year for a few years. Last one was “Women and Resilience” and was hosted at Hobo Jane’s boutique. Well received. We’ve been working on one around the topic of empathy.  We are thinking it may be a good time to…

Have questions answered – Meet and Greet with Council Member Pearce at Rose Park
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Have questions answered – Meet and Greet with Council Member Pearce at Rose Park

Meet and Greet at lunch time, Wednesday 12 noon-2 pm, at Rose Park on November 15th. Lola’s will be providing food and Jeannine would love for Rose Park residents to come and be a part of the conversation. The format is open topic, so anything anyone wants to talk about in regards to Long Beach…

Light Our Night

Light Our Night

With tremendous support by 2nd District and Rebuilding Together LB, Rose Park Neighborhood Assn. will be installing 25 lights in alleys around the Rose Park Neighborhood area from 4th to 10th; from Redondo to Cherry. If you and your neighbors are interested in participating in a future install please send an email to  with…

Homeless Outreach

Homeless Outreach

For non-emergency concerns regarding a person/persons who are living on the street please call 562-570-4550. This number is  checked regularly and dispatch to address locations throughout the city.  Homeless outreach is not a 24/7 service but does have some extended hours and they will call you back if you request it. If there is concern…