
Summer reads

Summer reads

Here is a list found when distributing the most recent neighborhood newsletter. What is your summer reading list? Send to in a favorite book by Friday August 11 by 6pm or so and we’ll post. What is Rose Park Neighborhood reading?

Dusting off that front porch? Thinking of some repair or restoration?

Dusting off that front porch? Thinking of some repair or restoration?

Some residents are asking about the ‘rules’ of restoration and others are interested in some financial support. Great questions!!! Both are critical for us in Rose Park Neighborhood. We have two, count ’em two, historic districts. Our preservation page has just been updated with the ‘go to’ info needed to begin. AND for those who…

Historic District Guidelines for RP and RPS historic districts are up for adoption
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Historic District Guidelines for RP and RPS historic districts are up for adoption

Supporting and maintaining the quality of life in our neighborhood is helped by our preservation guidelines. Without the guidelines we’d have a loss of the very fabric that makes the RPN! A great deal of work has gone into the guidelines to make them meaningful, understandable and worthy of preservation. Be familiar with them –…

RPNA Board 2017-2018
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RPNA Board 2017-2018

The Rose Park Neighborhood Association annual board elections took place July 23, 2017. The following nominees were elected for the 2017-2018 term. The first meeting in August will serve to elect officers (per by-laws) and establish the year’s calendar. In September the regular monthly board meetings will be held at St. Matthew’s in Classroom A…