Gnomes for Safety
Many are seeing a sprinkling of lawn signs with “Slow Down” – here is RPNA’s cool version. Want it? Sign up as a Basic Plus member! Go here to sign up!
Many are seeing a sprinkling of lawn signs with “Slow Down” – here is RPNA’s cool version. Want it? Sign up as a Basic Plus member! Go here to sign up!
There are storm and flood warnings for this weekend . Here are two apps for important info: Disaster Info? go to Crime situation? go to
Another great event: art show and fundraiser. Here is a short video Introducing a few of the more than 35 artists in this year’s show. Need more info? info@rpna.orgĀ Watch the enews space for more details – event is Friday February 10th.
Please join us for our first community meeting of 2017! Join us Wednesday February 1st at 7pm-8:30pm at Red Leprechaun [4000 East Anaheim St. Long Beach, Ca. 90804] for our Mobility-Engagement Meeting. TOPIC: Getting Around in a Bike Friendly City Speakers: Tony Cruz, LB City Bike Ambassador Steve Tweed, Infrastructure Engineer City of LB Facilitator:…