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NEIGHBORHOOD CLEAN UP EARTH DAY CELEBRATION AT ROSE PARK Rose Park and Bluff Heights Neighborhood Association are partnering up to host an Earth Day Celebration at Rose Park (8th and Orizaba Ave.) on Sunday, April 21st from 1pm to 4pm. The Earth Day event at Rose Park is open to all and FREE to attend….

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Rose Park Neighborhood Meeting Recap & Exploring Park Equity Forum

ROSE PARK NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING RECAP Lola’s on 4th Street hosted neighbors on Wednesday, April 3rd for an interactive neighborhood meeting that inspired ideas for programming and improvements at Rose Park on 8th and Orizaba. Charlene Angsuco of Public Works addressed the recent work done at the Rose Park gazebo. Madeleine Spencer of Diamond Heart Enterprise…

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Neighborhood Meeting on April 3rd, Clear the Clutter with a Neighborhood Garage Sale & Mann Elementary MLK Day Gardens

Rose Park Neighborhood Meeting Attendees will engage in an active discussion of Rose Park, gather collective ideas and visions for shaping the use of Rose Park. LBPD Eastside Commander Pennino will provide public safety updates including crime trends and prevention tips.  Vanessa of Litter Free Long Beach, will discuss citywide cleanups on blocks, alleyways, teaming…

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Ramadan Celebration, Neighborhood Meeting on April 3rd

Ramadan Celebration Ramadan Mubarak! Join us for a night of Iftar hosted by Vice Mayor Cindy Allen and the City of Long Beach on April 2nd starting at 6:30 PM. The event will take place at Long Beach City Hall in the Lobby. Ramadan is a fantastic time to come together as a community. If you…

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Neighborhood Clean Up, Fourth Fridays on Retro Row & Save the Date for the next Neighborhood Meeting in April

Neighborhood Clean Up Fourth Fridays on Retro Row This Friday, March 22nd from 6pm to 9pm Retro Row is transforming into Reader’s Row. Readers, book worms and zinesters welcome! Neighborhood Meeting in April SAVE THE DATE for the next Rose Park Neighborhood meeting at Lola’s on Retro Row at 2030 E 4th St. The meeting…