
BIG heART – The once a year gathering of real people and real artists
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BIG heART – The once a year gathering of real people and real artists

Rose Park Neighborhood opens it doors to all! Now in its 4th year the BIG heART is showing “Just One”. Just One will over a dozen local artists. Poetry reading, live art. This year’s annual art, fun(d) raising event.  Friday February 9, 2018 7pm-9pm Location: Hobo Jane’s at 3414 E 7th St, Long Beach, CA…

Light our Night – Today! February 3rd!
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Light our Night – Today! February 3rd!

Rose Park Neighborhood Association (RPNA) and Rebuilding Together Long Beach (RTLB) are teaming up to install solar powered motion-detector lights around the Rose Park Neighborhood this Saturday, February 3rd from 9:30am to noon to help residents and business owners increase safety in their alleyways. Our group of volunteers include Long Beach Eastside Division Commander Erik Herzog, Long Beach Port Police…

Winter Community Meeting – Notes

Winter Community Meeting – Notes

Great turnout at our Winter Meeting -hosted at the Red Leprechaun. Received latest intel from Cmdr. Herzog re: the New Year’s Eve incident in Rose Park South. Additional information on current crime issues, and that our area is especially susceptible to auto break-ins. Strategies and resources were discussed to combat and prevent these break-ins. Cmdr….

Trash bin overflowing?

Trash bin overflowing?

For different reasons your city trash bin might need to be secured. Here is the information if you’d like to have the city provide a chain and locking mechanism for your city trash bin. Thank you Councilperson Pearce for this info! Locked Bin Program If you are experiencing problems with illegal dumping or scavenging, sign…