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Black History Art, Music, Education & More, Neighborhood Clean Up, Volunteer to Deliver Food Boxes to Seniors, Long Beach Fair Housing Workshop & Food Giveaway

Reminder to use the GO LONG BEACH app to report graffiti, dumped items, potholes, fireworks, e-scooter parking violations, and more! As always, if you have questions, please reach out to us by email at or DM us on Instagram @RoseParkLB

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Participate in the City of Long Beach Budget Conversation

Join the City of Long Beach Budget Conversation for Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 (FY 25) The City of Long Beach is underway with the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY 25) Budget development process. Take the SURVEY HERE We want you to join the conversation and share your feedback on the proposed budget by taking the FY 25 Budget Priority Survey: You can…

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Martin Luther King JR., Day of Service, Public Mural Program, & Guaranteed Income Pilot Program

Martin Luther King Jr., Day of Service Rose Park and Bluff Heights Neighborhoods teamed up with Mann Elementary for a school and neighborhood clean-up on Saturday, January 13th. Over 75 volunteers attended the MLK Day of Service at Mann Elementary. Volunteers planted vegetables, herbs and fruit in the school’s planters, participated in clean-up projects throughout…


Neighbors Giving Back

Over 200 ornaments were made for the senior holiday gift bags and delivered to Redondo Plaza, Edgewater Skilled Nursing Center, Lutheran Towers. and Safe Refuge. Thank you to the local businesses and neighbors who participated in designing ornaments for the older adults living in our neighborhood. Rose Park Neighborhood Association hosted 3 “Giving Table” ornament-making…