Upcoming Events

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Neighborhood Book Club & Roses for Rose Park for Businesses!

Long Beach neighbors gathered early Sunday evening for food and drinks to discuss the book “The Connected Community” written by Cormac Russell and John McKnight. This book explores the ways neighbors can connect with each other to create healthier, stronger and more engaged neighborhoods. The group discussed the inspirational stories from the book that describes…

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Meet Rose Park Resident, Samantha Silfies at Rose Park on Saturday, October 29th at 10am for a FREE Halloween themed yoga flow. Flow-friendly costumes are optional! Join us for Halloween Caroling in Rose Park on Sunday, October 30th at 5:30pm! Neighbors, friends and family are invited to stroll the neighborhood and sing with the Long Beach Youth…

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Long Beach Open Studio Tour, Pedestrian and Cyclist Count, & a Neighborhood Book Club “The Connected Community”!

The Long Beach Open Studio Tour is going on now! Check out the dates, times and locations at the link HERE. Rose Park Resident and Roses for Rose Park Artist Cody Lusby will be opening his studio up to the public for the annual LB Open Studio Tour on Saturday October 22nd and 23rd from…