Adults, who are older….Let’s share what is happening
Coffee withJP_July2019
Coffee withJP_July2019
You get home….don’t want to get back into the car….worse emote over parking….walk the neighborhood!
We’d like to think we’d have something fun and hip every week. We do! All of Long Beach and Southern California! For the Rose Park Neighborhood Association, we are at the end of our ‘board year’ and are planning for the next. We spend time reviewing and pondering. We have several people who’ve have agreed…
Join us this Saturday, 10AM to 1PM at Rose Park for “Springtime by the Sea!” Take a look at our activity map and enjoy the day interacting with neighbors, nonprofit and public partners to learn more about what we can do to improve the environmental health of our communities! This event is FREE, and welcome…
What happens at a Community Meeting – a Rose Park Neighborhood Community meeting? Each of these meetings are planned to offer all those attending information specific to our area. We review what the Rose Park Neighborhood Association has been doing; we have an analysis of a specific type of crime and how we compare to…
Never say never – so the Street Light aka signal at 4th and Obispo – (Thank you Councilmember Pearce) is receiving power. The big gala hurrah and let’s give it up to DPW will be Monday 10am May 13th. But as we’ve said we’ve waited this long the date may change so check social media….