Upcoming Events

Can we be too healthy? Are we healthy enough?
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Can we be too healthy? Are we healthy enough?

May 23rd 7pm-8:30pm at Luther Burbank School Library (parking off Dawson) we are tackling the healthy neighborhood question. A work group has already discussed community wide priorities and narrowed our local concerns. To reflect and gain key input we have invited the head of our Health Department, Kelly Calopy. Chris Robson – long time RP…

Civic engagement – you know it when you do it!
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Civic engagement – you know it when you do it!

RPNA at Wilson High demonstrating to high school students the people and elements to civic engagement. Our team of 7 individuals shared the arc from engagement, interaction, social change to voter registration. Plus PADNet film team and Dave Clement taking photo footage. BIG heART event – the “All Hands on Deck” – the boards are…

Stay out of the car and in the Neighborhood!
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Stay out of the car and in the Neighborhood!

Saturday April 13th – BBQ Fundraiser at the “center” of RP South’s Block Group. LBCT 4-13-19 BBQ fundraiser flyer Final Monday April 15th 6:30pm – A CAAP workshop (Climate Action and Adaptation Project).  7th St. Church – see the flyer! May Community (date TBD) – Model Healthy Neighborhood with panel of experts. Location: Luther Burbank…


Nonprofit Spotlight: Long Beach Forward

The mission of Long Beach Forward is to create a healthy Long Beach with low-income communities of color by building community knowledge, leadership, and power. We asked Long Beach Forward team members Cynthia Howell, Strategic Initiatives Manager and Sevly Sngoun, Research and Policy Analyst the following questions: Why is working within neighborhoods important? “Our team…

Building Neighborhood One Fun Time at a Time
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Building Neighborhood One Fun Time at a Time

Come on out….walk down the street Friday March 22nd! Corner of E7th & Obispo. Three spaces….ArtWorksLB workshop….SkateZone….and at LB Skate and Art Exhibit/Sale. We just got our popcorn machine come on out and see how it works! Pop in and check out the art-in-progress! An exhibit using symbols of Peace and Understanding.