Upcoming Events

Rose Park Neighborhood Association

Community Meeting – February 1st 7pm-8:30pm at Red Leprechaun

Please join us for our first community meeting of 2017! Join us Wednesday February 1st at 7pm-8:30pm at Red Leprechaun [4000 East Anaheim St. Long Beach, Ca. 90804] for our Mobility-Engagement Meeting. TOPIC: Getting Around in a Bike Friendly City Speakers: Tony Cruz, LB City Bike Ambassador Steve Tweed, Infrastructure Engineer City of LB Facilitator:…


                          Rose Park residents love to celebrate and the winter holidays are no exception! Here are some things to pencil in: Sunday Dec. 4th – Victorian Christmas at the Bembridge House. Just a short way down 10th St a beautifully restored Queen Anne…

Rose Park Neighborhood Association

Community Meeting – Improving Rose Park Neighborhood

Join in on a discussion of specific directions to take to improve Rose Park Neighborhood. Whether it be character, local economics, mobility or connectedness what creates fundamental and positive change. Speakers on the social determinants of a healthy neighborhood and the current state of RP neighborhood will join with our newly elected city council person,…

Historic District Design Guidelines Workshop

Historic District Design Guidelines Workshop

The Rose Park and Rose Park South Historic Districts have hundreds of structures that must comply with historic district guidelines. Although many are termed ‘contributing’, that is, it was because that structure represented the time period of the early neighborhood, there are ‘non-contributing’ buildings, as well. Both have to conform to the design guidelines. But…

Rose Park Community Meeting

Meet Long Beach’s City Clerk Maria Garcia Rose Park Community Meeting at The Red Leprechaun 4000 E. Anaheim January 20th 6:30 to 8:30 ___________________________________________________________________________ The Rose Park Neighborhood Association, at its annual community meeting, Jan 20th, will host Long Beach’s City Clerk Maria Garcia. The City Clerk oversees each election held in the city of…