Efforts prevail!
Here is a quick recap of tree planting in Rose Park South!
It’s the Rose Park Neighborhood Block Party on Saturday, August 13th from 12pm to 4pm at Rose Park. Chynna Carter and Linzy Lusby will tell you all about it in the video here … The Rose Park Neighborhood Association, Tichenor Children’s Clinic, the Long Beach Walk and Roll program and the Long Beach Airport will…
Some years ago the RPNA Board established the Historic Brick Walk. Many of you have mentioned “How can I have a brick?”. Here is the form. Complete page 2 (see below) and send with check to RPNA 3350 E. 7th #140, LB 90804. To help us….send us an email to alert us to incoming request…
Please come this Wednesday January 24th 7pm – Red Leprechaun at Termino & Anaheim. We’ve had our winter meeting at the RedL for many years – it’s a fun and informative way to kick off the year. Here is the agenda/speakers.
On Tuesday, April 6th, the city council approved the three-story townhouse community with 23 homes on the southeast corner of Dawson Avenue and Seventh Street. We will continue to update residents regarding the construction phase for this project and work with Councilmember Cindy Allen’s office and Public Works to facilitate improvements for walkability and pedestrian…
Meet Us at The Parking Lot – Skate Jam & Art Session on 8/2 The Parking Lot is back! On Friday, August 2nd from 5pm to 7pm, meet us at the Parking Lot at Revive on E7th Street and Coronado. Come enjoy music, skateboarding, art, popcorn, hot dogs provided by the Good and refreshments. This…
The Long Beach Police Department is working to provide the public with better tools and resources for staying updated on crime activity occurring in Long Beach. Every morning at 10AM, the LBPD posts the latest news from the previous day HERE in the LBPD Blotter. The new Crime Incident Mapping Application is a tool developed…