Experience Theatre in the Round
Thanks to David Hennage and Vivien Chen Rose Park was the scene of performance art within a pop up sculpture garden. All inspired by Tai Chi.
This just in—and HAPPENING TOMORROW—but we wanted to get the word out: On Saturday, July 12th, at 9:00a there will be a meeting of neighbors of the Pacific Greenbelt to discuss ideas about and support for a mixed-use garden and open space that will be situated in the Greenbelt itself, north of 7th Street. Long…
With tremendous support by 2nd District and Rebuilding Together LB, Rose Park Neighborhood Assn. will be installing 25 lights in alleys around the Rose Park Neighborhood area from 4th to 10th; from Redondo to Cherry. If you and your neighbors are interested in participating in a future install please send an email to info@rpna.org with…
Work has started on re-paving 7th St. The cones and no parking signs up. You’ll that they’ve covered the street cleaning signs on the sides streets. Oops, this means people who park on 7th will be parking during the day and night on our side streets. And, you thought you couldn’t find a parking place…
Bluff Park Neighborhood Association President Jeff Mallin brought together neighborhood associations on Sunday, December 4th in an effort to learn, strategize and develop stronger inter-association relationships. Participating Neighborhood Associations included Alamitos Heights Improvement Association, Alamitos Beach, Bluff Park, Bluff Heights, Belmont Heights and Rose Park Neighborhood. Attendees discussed the 2021 report entitled: “The Roles and…
Sunday in the Park, July 23, 2017 Rose Park, Long Beach, California Rose Park Neighborhood Association Co-hosted with Jeannine Pearce – 2nd Council District Music Pete Marchica The Rookeries Brother Pines The fun games and all of the details that make a ‘Sunday in the Park’ memorable are due to our sponsors, supporters and of…
The City of Long Beach Department of Public Works is partnering up with Algalita and Pedal Movement, the Long Beach Reuses coalition, Long Beach Time Exchange and Jeanine Designs to host Fixit Clinics throughout Long Beach in 2025. These free clinics will offer residents a chance to repair their broken household items and learn valuable…