Face Painter at the Holiday Tree Lighting!
A legacy event just got better. Our very own City of LB Parks, Recreation and Marine will contribute a Face Painter to add to the lovely and low key festivity.
Thursday evening Dec. 13th 7:00pm-8:30pm
MOSAIC INSTALLATION – Rose Park Neighborhood volunteers are out at the Friendship Corner Flower Wall at 621 Dawson Avenue TODAY, Saturday, May 1st and tomorrow Sunday, May 2nd from 9am to 1pm for another round of mosaic flower wall installation. If you are out for a stroll, and want to stop by to see the…
Letters Matter: Nuisance, Etiquette and Participation How do problems get fixed? Knowing how things work and having residents who are collectively and coordinately involved is an essential first step. That’s how neighborhoods get things done. For example, knowing when to call for an emergency response, 911 or when it is more effective to contact our…
A morning with our neighborhood families!
The City of Long Beach is seeking funding for bicycle boulevards on 8th and 11th Streets and pedestrian islands on 10th Street. The proposed traffic calming treatments will reduce cut-through traffic and speeding, creating a comfortable space for drivers and bicyclists to share the road. The pedestrian islands will help people on foot and on…
These structures have provided decades and generations of life for residents of Long Beach. This year is sort-of a hundred year birthday for us in the Rose Park Neighborhood area. We’ll be posting ideas, factoids and thoughts over the year. Many email info@rpna.org about the house plaques. Great way to celebrate our 100th year. So…
WOMEN’S WELLNESS DAY IN ROSE PARK Happy Lifts is hosting a Women’s Wellness Day at Rose Park! Attendees will meet women offering resources for health and wellness, exercise, nutrition, beauty and skin care, and much more! Visit Happy Lifts HERE to learn more or https://www.onlyhappylifts.com/ Instagram @happy.lifts HALLOWEEN FESTIVITIES HOLIDAY SHOPPING Assistance League of Long…