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From the Coronado Cooling Center, Affiliate of the Rose Park South Weather Station

September is Disaster Preparedness Month! Another really great reason to know some neighbors. Who are you going to ask for help? water? use their solar powered charging station?  Want to know more….

‘READY Long Beach’ to Help Prepare Residents for Emergencies

5th Annual Citywide Preparedness Expo on Sept. 15 Offers Life-Saving Information


Jake Heflin                                                                 Ana Jimenez
562-760-6950                                                        562-254-6754                     

On Saturday, September 15th the City of Long Beach is hosting the fifth annual “READY Long Beach” Community Preparedness Expo from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Long Beach State University— outside the Walter Pyramid, 1250 Bellflower Blvd.

This free event is sponsored by Long Beach CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), in partnership with the Long Beach Fire Department, various City departments, Long Beach State University, local businesses, sponsors, and other disaster response agencies.

The expo will feature information booths, emergency preparedness demonstrations, emergency supplies for purchase, a kid’s fun zone, food for purchase, and multiple displays of emergency response equipment. Complimentary parking is available at the Long Beach State University in parking structure 1, off Atherton Avenue and Merriam Way.

The event will include information such as:

• How to gather and store minimum supplies of food, water and other basic survival tools;
• How to take action to increase preparedness;
• How to build a family evacuation and response plan; and
How to engage your neighbors in disaster planning.

September is National Preparedness Month and this year’s focus is on community engagement, with an overarching theme “Disasters know no Boundaries” Join us on September 15th to start planning ahead with us!

The CERT program trains residents in basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. For more information, visit www.longbeach.gov/fire and click the “Community Outreach” tab or call 562-570-2525.

For additional information about disaster preparedness in Long Beach, please visit www.longbeach.gov/disasterpreparedness or www.readylongbeach.org

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