Having things to look forward to
Hope is a powerful idea. Lottery win, meet the right person, look good in those cloths are frequent motivators. More often our hopes and aspirations are practical. Pay the bills, get into college, pass the test, catch the bus.
Achieving these goals, as small or as grand as they may be, are built on our individual and collective actions to be informed, to engage in dialogue , to vote, to complete the census and to hold those that represent us accountable. Messy? Yes. Do-able? Definitely Yes.
We are only at 60% – for the City of LB – having signed into the US Census. Which means we’ll only get a reduced portion – “a fraction” – of federal tax dollars (and so many other resources) that we are entitled to get. We could hope for 100% but we are practical and strive for 90%!
So here you go! The Census on-line. More predictable than the lottery and provides opportunities galore!