Health & Wellness
Long Beach DHHS Mental Health
- Info on how to help support yourself and others
- Resource Guide which lists mental health services in Long Beach
- Additional resources related to mental health
LA County Department of Mental Health – Who to Call
- This site and the related documents provide a quick reference guide for county mental health services, including the Help Line number. Here are some of the services that can be accessed through the LA County DMH Help Line:
- ACCESS Line for Service Referrals, Crisis Assessments and Field Deployments – available 24/7
- Mental health screening and assessment
- Referral to a service provider
- Crisis counseling
- Mobilizing field response teams
- Linkages to well-being services and resources
- Substance Abuse Service Hotline (SASH) for substance use disorder services and resources from the Department of Public Health – available 24/7
- Emotional Support Warm Line with Trained Active Listeners – available 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily
- Veteran Line for Mental Health Support and Connection to Veteran Programs – available 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily
- ACCESS Line for Service Referrals, Crisis Assessments and Field Deployments – available 24/7
LA Homeless Outreach Portal
- Community members can make referrals here to request assistance for someone experiencing homelessness.