Long Beach Walk to School Week kicked off on Monday, March 20th with parents organizing walking school buses by picking up kids along the route to school. Mann Elementary parents volunteered to safely cross students at high traffic intersections and were out advocating with student school council for safer, slower streets. The Long Beach Health Department and Long Beach Police Department set up a visitor booth at Mann Elementary giving out safety brochures, coloring books, reflective wrists bands and stickers.
Students at Mann Elementary wrote letters to city department officials including Vice Mayor Cindy Allen, Paul Van Dyke of Public Works and Mayor Rex Richardson to advocate for a crossing guard, re-painting of deteriorating crosswalks and safer streets!
Walk to School Week culminated with guest speaker and Olympic Road Bike Racer Tony Cruz. Tony talked with kids about bike safety and reviewed the rules of the road. Two bikes were raffled off to the kids along with helmets. Special thanks to Bluff Heights Neighborhood Association for the donation of a bike, Tichenor Clinic for the helmets, and to Tony Cruz!



The City’s Disaster Preparedness Department is hosting a Tsunami Awareness Panel at the Aquarium of the Pacific on Monday, March 27th. ASL interpretation will be available for attendees.
When: Monday, March 27, 2023
Time: Event will start at 6:30 PM
Where: Aquarium of the Pacific
The panel discussion will take place in the Aquarium’s Pacific Visions Theater and the Great Hall exhibits will be open for attendees. Attendance and parking are FREE.
The link to register is:
Reach out to Rebecca Lopez, who is Cc’d in this email if you have any additional questions.
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