Helping hand awards
Here are photos of just some of this year’s recognition awardees! Thank you to Brooke for organizing space, certificates and event! Thank you Danielle for making this a true mixer! Janna for making hundreds of hand made roses for all our trees. Tracy who brought the tastiest and artful appetizers (her last night at Red Leprechaun 12/29th !) Dawn for having the All Hands on Deck for everyone to see and admire – our Art Wellness program rocks!
This year’s awardees:
Art Romo and Cynthia Chavez, Safe Refuge; Iris Gibbs and Teresa Gomez, Health Department; Samana Budhathoki, Power 4 Youth; Janna Vandenberg, Resident; Linda Reach and Mary Simmons, Cambodian Community and AOC7; Cody Lusby and Eric Copeland, Residents; David Leonard, New Hope Grief Counseling; Cheryl Perry/Sarah Locke/Chris Hogan, LB Heritage; Julia Castenada, St. Matthews; John Kindred and Karen Reside, Gray Panthers; Steve Gerhardt, WalkLB; Chris Robson, Resident; Jan Van Dijs and Kerstin Kansteiner, Friends of Rose Park; Christopher Koontz and Alejandro.Plascencia, LBDS; Ana Maria Rios, LBPD; Sergeant Smigla and Commander O’Dowd, LBPD; Andrew Pilcher, Resident; Adelita Lopez-Santiago and Andrew Lopez, Residents; LBPL Library Outreach Team; Devin Ablard, Karla Estupinian, Randy Hope, Nancy Farber, Council District 2; Cynthia Howell and Sevly Snguon, Long Beach Forward; Dina Berg, Heart of Ida; Zoe Nicholson, Resident; Tim and Carrie Scanlan, LB Skate
It was a lovely evening – so many of our partners, friends of RP and residents came to mix and mingle. Some came for “just a few minutes” only to stay for two hours!!!! All so appreciated – it felt good.