
Historic House Plaques

If you are interested in having a historic house plaque for your home – here is the information that we have currently. The company has the two approved designs for Rose Park Historic District and Rose Park South Historic District (remember to specify which historic district you are in).  See historic district map  for reference but always good to confirm if your property is in the district.

We suggest you find out expected production date and delivery date….as it may take a few weeks.
Jeremy A. Wise graphics@erielandmark.com
Paul Zimmerman Foundries
(717) 285-5253
(800) 874-7848

RPNA encourages residents to order directly from the plaque company. The company has two designs that are ‘approved’ for Rose Park neighborhood. But please confirm that the address is within the HD boundary with the city if it is not on property title.  Historic Preservation (562) 570-6194.

Take a photo once it is installed and we’ll post on FB.

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