Let’s recap the State of the 2nd District!
Here is the informative report CJP001_StateoftheDistrict-Program-Opt2
Here is the informative report CJP001_StateoftheDistrict-Program-Opt2
Rose Park Neighborhood opens it doors to all! Now in its 4th year the BIG heART is showing “Just One”. Just One will over a dozen local artists. Poetry reading, live art. This year’s annual art, fun(d) raising event. Friday February 9, 2018 7pm-9pm Location: Hobo Jane’s at 3414 E 7th St, Long Beach, CA…
There are storm and flood warnings for this weekend . Here are two apps for important info: Disaster Info? go to http://www.longbeach.gov/DisasterPreparedness/Alert-Long-Beach/ Crime situation? go to http://www.nixle.com/
So, you may have an on again off again relationship with Amazon. We get it! But we have residents who contribute to RPNA each time they shop online. All they did was add Rose Park Neighborhood Association to their Amazon account. It’s called AmazonSmile. Amazon donates a very tiny fraction of your expenditure to RPNA!…
Hey Rose Parkians- Get on your bikes and ride! Let’s show our Rose Park team spirit and join our Belmont Hts and Alamitos Hts neighbors as we cruise the Vista Bike Blvd. and experience biking on 6th Street before work begins on the newest LBC Bike boulevard… 6th St. We will ride 6 miles round…
Starting June 29th, the Mr. Rogers documentary “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” will be shown at The Art Theatre (4th and Cherry) it is expected to show there for at least two weeks. Check out show times AND let them know you are from Rose Park Neighborhood – to get the special neighborhood group discount…
During all this recent change there is much to be hopeful for. Rose Park Neighborhood celebrates all those who worked towards completion of their educational and vocational efforts! It is a struggle at times to attend class, work part-time jobs and be ‘involved’ which poses one of life’s many challenges. We’ve seen signs of graduates…