Let’s recap the State of the 2nd District!
Here is the informative report CJP001_StateoftheDistrict-Program-Opt2
Here is the informative report CJP001_StateoftheDistrict-Program-Opt2
It’s that time! Every October is Open Studio Tour. It only gets better. Walk or bike to East 6th near Ohio to visit to RP artists who are participating. Plus there are a ton of other artists in other neighborhoods. It’s FREE. Saturday/Sunday October 14th and 15th noon-5pm Get the lowdown. Our Rose Park artists…
Here are some needed reminders Question: How much time does it take to prepare for a catastrophe? Answer: 21 Weeks. What **! Well, you are probably part way there. This resource from the American Red Cross is pretty comprehensive: pets, floods to medical emergencies, point of view for seniors and those with pets. It’s never…
PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release – January 21, 2017 For event info: timothyascanlan@gmail.com 760-672-2150 The Big heART Show Feb 10th 6-8 pm: Preview 4pm-6pm Rose Park Artists Showcase Talents At Annual RPNA Fundraiser Cruise on over to the 3rd annual Big heART show coming up on Friday February, 10th. We will be expanding the…
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteers are needed for the upcoming COVID vaccination clinic at St. Matthews Church on Tuesday, March 15th for two hour shifts during the clinic hours of 1:00pm to 5:00pm. If you are interested in volunteering to meet and greet attendees or help staff the Rose Park Neighborhood Association table, please email info@rpna.org.
Here is a list found when distributing the most recent neighborhood newsletter. What is your summer reading list? Send to info@rpna.org in a favorite book by Friday August 11 by 6pm or so and we’ll post. What is Rose Park Neighborhood reading?
Whether this has been on your radar – or not, it’s worth checking out the recent press release from City Hall regarding the Land Use Element process and document. Here it is in its entirety with lots of “how to get more info” links. This topic is expected to be addressed in March at City…