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SECOND DISTRICT MOVIE NIGHT IN ROSE PARK – JUNE 22 – A Rose Park Tradition, Sponsored by Vice Mayor Suja Lowenthal
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Going forward
The newly elected RPNA meets in August choosing officers and planning the master calendar. Priorities and actions are worked on each month. Please send in thoughts to info@rpna.org Congratulations & Best Wishes to the New Rose Park Neighborhood Association Board * John * Danielle * David * Darick * Dusty * Gretchen What a great…
Ben Olsen, Center for International Trade and Transportation, Research and GIS Coordinator at CSULB shares his experience of E7th street in this short video. Ben helped create a data gathering tool for Rose Park Neighborhood Association to gain feedback from pedestrians regarding their experience of E7th Street as it bisects Rose Park Neighborhood. We invite…
NEIGHBORHOOD CLEAN-UP Attend the monthly clean-up on Sunday, September 15th at 9AM at Lola’s Mexican Restaurant on 4th street. Clean-up and connect with your neighbors and local businesses, and enjoy breakfast burritos from Lola’s. See you there! ____________________________________ ROSE MEDALLION WORKSHOP Sign up for the Rose Medallion workshop this Sunday, September 15th starting at 10AM….

Input – you thought they’d never ask!
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