Long Beach Open Studio Tour, Pedestrian and Cyclist Count, & a Neighborhood Book Club “The Connected Community”!
The Long Beach Open Studio Tour is going on now! Check out the dates, times and locations at the link HERE.
Rose Park Resident and Roses for Rose Park Artist Cody Lusby will be opening his studio up to the public for the annual LB Open Studio Tour on Saturday October 22nd and 23rd from 1 to 5pm at 2913 E. 6th Street Long Beach (down the rose alleyway – you cannot miss it)!
Gopi Shah is an artist and ceramicist and resides in Rose Park Neighborhood. Gopi is participating in the Long Beach Open Studio Tour and specializes in handcrafted stoneware mugs, dinnerware and home decor. Gopi’s open studio tour is at 741 Raymond Ave. Follow the driveway to the garage studio in the back.
Coming up on October 27th and 29th, YOU can volunteer for the City’s 15th annual pedestrian and cyclist counts. This active transportation count provides valuable data to the City’s traffic engineers. Please visit the link HERE and volunteer.